Section IV: Ranks of the Navy
"Promotions are essential building blocks of our Fleet. They provide, from within, the critical expertise and leadership so vital to our combat readiness."
Although a Member's overall status within the Fleet will be ENTIRELY determined by his or her Position, the following military ranks are presented below to further stratify the Vast Empire Navy. The Position of a Member will ALWAYS take precedence over conflicting Ranks (i.e. a Flight Member who is a Warrant Officer DOES NOT outrank a Flight Leader who is a Petty Officer 1st Class...although this would rarely occur). The primary use of the Ranks will be to determine minimum standards for the various Positions.
The promotion of Members of the Fleet above the Rank of Commodore is by Order of the Naval Commander in Chief and Naval Executive Officer only. These Ranks will be conferred based upon the amount of effort contributed by the Member to the Fleet and recommendations from his or her superior officer (if appropriate). The Ranks of Captain and below may be conferred by individual Command Officers, Ship Captains, Wing Commanders or Squadron Commanders, as appropriate. However, the Naval Commander in Chief, Naval Executive Officer and Flight Officer must be advised of, and approve such promotions, so that the Roster can be properly amended and revised by the Flight Officer.
The approved Ranks for the Fleet are as follows:
Command Ranks
- Grand Admiral - Reserved Rank for the Head of the High Council.
- Sector Admiral - Second highest rank in the navy. Prior to the Battle of Endor, a Sector Admiral would be the "governor" of a sector of imperial controlled territory. Only Head of High Council can promote up to Sector Admiral.
- High Admiral - Fleet Admirals who have repeatedly demonstrated their ability to succeed and achieve victory are promoted to the rank of High Admiral by the Head of High Council.
- Fleet Admiral - The Highest rank a Command Officer or Fleet Commander can achieve. Prior to the Battle of Endor, a Fleet Admiral would typically command a "Superiority Fleet" of 6 Star Destroyers and 390 other combat Starships. The Rank of Fleet Admiral is the highest a Member could reasonably hope to achieve in the Vast Empire.
- Admiral - The Highest rank a Ship Captain can achieve. Prior to the Battle of Endor, an Admiral typically commanded a "Systems Force" of up to 90 ships and would often be responsible for patrolling several systems.
- Vice Admiral - Experienced Command Officers serving for a long period of time who has repeatedly demonstrated outstanding expertise in their assigned position may achieve this rank.
- Rear Admiral - A seasoned Command officer who has repeatedly demonstrated his/her command expertise for 3-6 continuous months may be promoted to this rank. Also the highest rank a Wing Commander may achieve.
- Commodore - Captains who have exemplified themselves in their duties. Commodores are expected to start helping with day to day administration of the Fleet in their particular area of expertise. Lowest Command Officer and Fleet Commander Rank. Coincidentally, prior to the Battle of Endor, this would be equivalent to "Captain of a Ship of the Line," though this distinction is now null with the readdition of the Line Captain rank.
- Line Captain - Experienced Ship Captains and Wing Commanders.
- Captain - Minimal Rank to Command a Ship.
- Commander - Highest Rank a Squadron Commander can achieve.
- Lt. Commander - Minimal Rank for a Wing Commander.
- First Lieutenant - Obtained by Squadron Commanders after a few months of combat service.
- Second Lieutenant - The Minimal Rank for a Squadron Commander. Members are often field promoted to this rank in order to command squadrons. They must subsequently complete the officers examination course to reap the benefits of rank.
- Ensign - Enlisted pilots wishing to command a squadron may wish to take an officers examination course to obtain a commissioned officers rank. When they successfully complete it they are awarded this rank.
Enlisted Ranks
- Chief Warrant Officer - The highest rank a Flight Leader can achieve without commission.
- Warrant Officer 1st Class - The Highest Rank a Flight Member can achieve.
- Warrant Officer 2nd Class - Senior flight members and flight leaders, members who achieve the rank of Warrant Officer are expected to demonstrate great activity and conduct.
- Master Chief Petty Officer - Pilots and Flight Leaders with a long history of service and activity.
- Senior Chief Petty Officer - Experienced Flight Leaders.
- Chief Petty Officer - Minimal Rank to become a Flight Leader.
- Petty Officer 1st Class - More Experienced Pilot.
- Petty Officer 2nd Class - Experienced Pilot.
- Senior Crewman - Attained after proving consistant activity.
- Leading Crewman - The basic rank of a pilot. Most pilots reach this rank after completion of the Aviator's exam.
- Crewman - The entrance rank for a new pilot.
Verbal Addressing
Naval officers ranking as Rear Admiral or higher are addressed as "Admiral". Ensigns, Second and First Lieutenants are addressed as "Lieutenant". Warrant Officers, Petty Officers and Crewmen are addressed as "Mr.", "Ms" or an equivalent in ceremonial conferences. Other naval officers and personnel are addressed simply by their literal rank.
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