Section V: High Command

Commander in Chief

The Vast Empire Naval Commander in Chief has ultimate command over the Navy. All promotion requests must go through him and all decisions about the Fleet in general are made or approved the NCC. In addition the NCC runs the day to day operations in the Fleet and reports only to the Grand Admiral and High Council. The NCC is fourth in command of the Vast Empire and is a voting member of the High Council.

Abbreviation: NCC

Executive Officer

The Naval Executive Officer is second in command of the entire Vast Empire Fleet. The Executive Officer's duties are to ensure all operations run smoothly and to handle local problems and report them to the NCC if necessary. Also, when the NCC is away, the Executive Officer takes over as commander until his return. The Executive Officer also handles all medal requests and the medal board. All medal notifications must be CC'ed to the Operations Officer to ensure proper documentation.

Abbreviation: NXO

Training Officer

The Training Officer is head of all training operations involving all three game platforms. The Training Officer's primary duty is to test the potential of all pilots and have them qualify for active duty. As head of the Vast Empire Naval Academy (VENA), the Training Officer also tests and certifies enlisted pilots for their pilot certificate and officer candidacy.

Abbreviation: NTO

Tactical Officer

The Tactical Officer is in charge of creating and approving missions/battles; and ship development; for the Vast Empire Navy. The Tactical Officer assists the Naval Commander in Chief and Executive Officer in making official navy battles and missions. This individual is often seen in the presence of the Naval Commander in Chief and his Executive Officer to discuss with them the Navy's tactical affairs, battle plans, capitol ship movements, etc.

Abbreviation: TAC


Adjutants are full time servants to one of the four High Command Officers. An Adjutant aides the officer in his duties and is usually the recipient of many rewards because of this. (XXX represents the abbreviation of the officer the person is adjutant to.)

Abbreviation: ADJ:XXX


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Commander in Chief
Executive Officer
Training Officer
Tactical Officer